Colors & Symbols for the LLTC logo
By Larry P. Aitken, LLBO, Originator/author of this symbol and its meaning. These Symbols and colors are represented as our Ojibwe World View.

The Turtle represents core memories within the Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) culture.
Yellow (ozaawaag is a color that stands for eastern spiritual cardinal area of the universe.
This spiritual area brings us new information every day; new day, new life, new birth, new knowledge and new friends.
The Pipe is one of our most sacred tools of connectivity. When the Pipe is lit, The Great Spirit hears our prayers and thoughts and therefore knows what is in our hearts. We are connected to the entire Native World as we spiritually understand its significance to us.
The stone of the Pipe is red (miskwaa); this color represents the Western door of the universe, its gift to us is sadness and sorrow, but a little display of Creators power through thunder and lightning!
The color white (waabiskaa) represents the spirit of the South. This cardinal direction gives us the gifts of healing and community harmony. The color black (makadewaa) represent cleansing and purification as a gift to our people. The color green (ozhaawashkwaa) (which also includes blue (oghaawaskwaa) represents mother earth (maarnaa a kil) and the four orders, which are, soil, plants, animals and humans as well as the sky (ispiming) and its four upper Worlds including, Creators World, Star World, Sun and Moon World and Earth World.
Thus, the Anishinaabe/Ojibwe world view is depicted in part of the logo.