
Life is Sacred: A Statement of the Nation’s Tribal Colleges and Universities


Life is Sacred: A Statement of the Nation’s Tribal Colleges and Universitieshttps://tribalcollegejournal.org/life-is-sacred-a-statemen…/Online TC News, Tribal College News, Web Exclusive | June 8, 2020By TCJ StaffEpiitendaagwak obimaadiziwiniwaan Mekadewiziwaad. As Anishinaabe, we say Black lives matter.Leech Lake Tribal College, White Earth Tribal and Community College, and Fond du Lac Tribal and Community CollegeNaahiłii beda’iina’ nihił danilį. As Navajo, we say Black lives matter.Diné College and Navajo Technical UniversityTakomni Hasapa Oyate Wiconi Heca. As Sicangu, Hunkpapa, and Sihasapa Lakota, we say Black lives matter.Sinte Gleska University and Sitting Bull CollegeTakomni hasapa wiconi hecha. As Dakota, we say Black lives matter.Cankdeska Cikana Community CollegeMakade-bizaawizijig da-apiitenimidiwag. As [...]

Life is Sacred: A Statement of the Nation’s Tribal Colleges and Universities2022-02-10T18:55:50-06:00

Leech Lake Tribal College No. 1 community college in U.S.


Study: Leech Lake Tribal College No. 1 community college in U.S. http://www.bemidjipioneer.com/news/4315486-study-leech-lake-tribal-college-no-1-community-college-us#.WZt5cx_XIH8.facebook By Barry Amundson on Aug 21, 2017 at 4:02 p.m. CASS LAKE, Minn. -- Leech Lake Tribal College in northern Minnesota had some good news on their first day of classes Monday, Aug. 21. The Cass Lake college was named the best community college in the U.S. The study by personal finance website WalletHub ranked more than 700 college and technical schools across the U.S. based on affordability, student-faculty ratio, graduation rates and job placement. The Cass Lake college currently with 190 students this fall semester was established [...]

Leech Lake Tribal College No. 1 community college in U.S.2019-08-28T18:39:14-05:00

Lakeland Currents sits down with Leech Lake Tribal College


In 1990, the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe established its Leech Lake Tribal College, first offering courses in extension from the University of Minnesota – Duluth, Bemidji State University, and Itasca and Brainerd community colleges. The tribal college celebrated its first graduate in 1993, and then 17 more in 1994. Today, there are approximately 350 students enrolled at the college, and it has celebrated more than 525 graduates. Join us as Larry Aitken, the founder and first President of Leech Lake Tribal College who still is an Ojibwe instructor, and Melanie Wilson, Director of Assessment and Institutional Research look back [...]

Lakeland Currents sits down with Leech Lake Tribal College2019-08-28T18:49:46-05:00

LLTC Library named in honor of Larry P. Aitken


Today, we honored Leech Lake Tribal College’s founder and first president Bezhigoogahbow “The one who stands alone” Larry P. Aitken. The event’s attendees represented a who’s who and was comprised of many trail blazers for Indian Education in Minnesota and Nationwide. Key speakers included Dr. Will Antell, Dr. Monnette, Leroy Staples Fairbanks III, LLTC President Dr. Ginny Carney, LLTC Board of Trustee Chair Vickie Howard, and MN District 5A Rep John Persell. The speakers shared wonderful stories about Larry Aitken, the hard work that was done to turn a dream into reality by starting a Tribal College here on the [...]

LLTC Library named in honor of Larry P. Aitken2019-08-28T18:58:48-05:00

LLTC Alumni Leslie Harper & the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA)


LLTC Alumni Leslie Harper will help draft proposed regulations in parts of the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA). LLTC Alumni Leslie Harper and Emmy Winner The U.S. Department of Education named committee members who will draft proposed regulations in parts of the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) that replaced the outdated No Child Left Behind Act. The committee consists of many constituencies ranging from state administrators to teachers from throughout the United States. Leslie Harper was nominated by the National Coalition of Native Language Schools to serve as a participating alternate committee member.  The Negotiated Rulemaking Committee is convened to [...]

LLTC Alumni Leslie Harper & the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA)2019-08-28T19:14:39-05:00

Leech Lake Tribal College

  • 6945 Little Wolf Road NW
    Cass Lake, MN 56633

  • (218) 335-4200
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