Indigenous Science Emphasis in Forest Ecology – A.A.

The Indigenous Science (IS) Forest Ecology program is designed for students to receive an Associate in Arts Degree (A.a.) upon completion of the requirements. Gikenimindwaa Mitigoog translates to ‘getting to know the trees,’ an apt description for a program that provides graduates with broad-based field knowledge of forest lands, the organisms inhabiting them, and the systems (soil, water, air) that support them. Students complete coursework designed to develop an understanding of natural systems, examine human impacts and interactions, and practice relevant field and technical skills. Students who chose this option are prepared for employment at the technician level upon completion of this degree, or they may choose to continue on into a four-year program. The Forest Ecology program is intended for students with an interest in plant communities, water, forestry, wildlife, fisheries, and/or recreation management.


61 Credits / General Education Courses: 31 credits

General Education Courses: 31 CreditsClassCr.Pre-ReqTerm
ANI 100Introduction to Anishinaabe Studies3FA/SP
BIO 121General Biology 1 & Lab4FA/SP
BIO 200Ethnobiology3
or BIO 204Environmental Science3
EDU 102Miikana (FYE)2FA/SP
ENGL 101English Composition 13FA/SP
MATH 150Beginning College Algebra or Higher3FA/SP
MUS 250History of Anishinaabe Music and Dance3Fall
or ART 100Introduction to Traditional/Contemporary Art3Fall
OJI 101Speaking Ojibwe 14FA/SP
POLSC 225Treaty Law & Tribal Sovereignty3
SPCH 201Speech and Communications3ENGL 101

FE Program Requirements – 30 Credits

FE Program Requirements: 30 CreditsClassCr.Pre-ReqTerm
BIO 140Ecology3TestTest
BIO 130Wildlife Biology3
FOR 101Introduction to Forestry3
FOR 110Woodland Plants3
FOR 120Natural Resource Careers3
FOR 130Intro to Field and GIS Skills3
FOR 210Freshwater Studies3
FOR 230Dendrology3
FOR 240Survey and Measurement3
FOR 260GIS Applications3
Total=61 Credits

Please note that some of the pre-req’s may be completed based on competency.